Choosing a Provider, Where to Begin?
With all the choices of providers in the local area, most families ask, how do I choose? It can be tough and overwhelming, a referral for services opens a door of opportunity but also adds to the never ending decisions that come with parenting a special needs child.
What advice can I give, do your own research.
There are a multitude of online opinions and recommendations, but the truth is, you will know when you’ve found the right fit. And if we have learned anything about the past five years, online information, while ubiquitous, it isn’t always accurate and can be filled with tons of misinformation.
And while that doesn’t seem like much help, here are some suggested to get you started.
First, both Kentucky and Tennessee require BCBAs to be licensed in each state where they practice. Simply put, if you live on Ft. Campbell and receive in home services, your provider must be licensed in Kentucky. If you attend clinic services and the facility is located in Kentucky, your provider must be licenses in Kentucky.
Same goes for Tennessee, if you live and have in home services in Tennessee, your provider must be licensed in Tennessee. If you attend clinic services and the facility is located in Tennessee, your provider must be licensed in Tennessee. A Kentucky license does not provide license to practice in Tennessee and vice versa. If your child receives clinic services in Tennessee and then home services with the same provider and your child lives on Ft. Campbell, your provider needs to be licensed in both states.
In Kentucky, In order to check if your provider is licensed or has any displinary actions on their state license, you can access that information at
Select KY ABA Licensing Board and then search your provider’s first and last name.
This will list the provider’s name, their license name and if there are any disciplinary actions against that provider by the board.
In Tennessee, they also maintain a license verification page that you can search your BCBA by name at
This will list the provider’s name, their license number and a hyperlink if there are any adverse actions taken against the provider by the board.
Additionally, adverse actions taken by the national certifying board can also be search at the BACB Disciplinary Actions Website at
Overall, every BCBA provider is required to recredential with TRICARE every three years. At that time, they must submit a completed application with documentation of good standing from all applicable national and state licensing boards. This ensures that background checks and licensing checks are reviewed every three years to protect you and your child.
And while most think that getting a diagnosis and embarking on your child’s therapy journey is a relief for some, in some ways, it just opens more decisions and can be the most mentally taxing point in the entire process.
I always encourage parents to be kind to themselves in this process and trust in themselves and know, at any time, you can choose to change providers if the fit isn’t a good one.